Snell Blog...Are You Reading It?

Friday, September 20, 2019

7 ??? to Ask Your Child About School

*   What are the 7 continents?  Can you name the 5 oceans?  Which ocean touches Massachusetts?
What about Hawaii and California?

*   What do the letters in CAM stand for?  On which continent does CAM live?

*   What's the difference between a short a word and a long a word?  In the following words, is the first vowel short or long:  hare;  camel;  dog;  bacon;  jolly;  Kate;  cone;  Snell;  staple;  and fish?

*   Tell me about some of the reading/spelling activities you do in Daily 5.  See if you can explain the spelling game "MOOSE",  the silly sentence activity, site word BINGO, and the Wordsearch board game.

*  Last week found us checking out National Palindrome Day.  We looked at funny cartoons that were all palindromes.  What's a palindrome?  Tell me why these words are palindromes:  Hannah;  Bob;  race car;  Ava;  and the phrase "Emily's sassy lime."

*  We started a new read aloud chapter book called "The Grand Escape" last week.  So far, we have met Marco, Polo, Carlotta, Texas Jake, Boots, Elvis, and Mr. and Mrs. Neal.  Tell me a bit about each character, what has happened so far, and which cat is your favorite.  See if you can remember what a tabby cat and a calico cat look like.

*  How do you show the number 43 three different ways?  How about 72?  (examples:  61 can be shown the following ways- 6 tens, 1  one;   or   61;  or  sixty one;  or a picture of 6 ten blocks and one single one block;  or  60 + 1)   Tell me whether the following numbers are odd or even:  44;  20;  9;  51;  17;  and 30.

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